Prox Access is a safety distributor specialising in RFID control systems and RFID reverse engineering.

Full safety level in your premises with innovative and unique safety solutions. Knowledge in RFID reverse engineering warranty you to buy the most advanced safety systems on the market. With strong experience in RFID reverse engineering, we are one if not the only safety equipment supplier that can detect and identify any safety leaks that current safety systems or your system could be subject to.

– Find out if there are existing safety breaches in RFID access readers. – Residential building overcrowding & AirBnB hosts have no secrets for Prox Access, unbeatable understanding all Slumlords and Airbnb Host businesses, for better solutions to keep them away from your premises. – Prox Access systems can secure your premises better than with its competitors products because of a particular intention on having the most secure safety access control systems on the market.

More reliable and real experts in RFID. Prox Access sells only secured products for any types of premises.