“Misconception 1: A Stolen Phone Can Be Used to Gain Mobile Access”

Misconception 1: A Stolen Phone Can Be Used to Gain Mobile Access

Mobile access functionality is a new feature in access control that uses the trend of being able to go places easily with your phone or other device to make it easier for people to use access control. Let’s learn about this technology and how it works.

Understanding Mobile Access: How it Works

Mobile access is a feature that allows users to access physical locations or systems using their mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, as a form of identification and authentication. This can be used in a variety of settings, such as for unlocking doors, entering secure areas, or accessing systems and services.

Mobile access typically works by installing a mobile access app on the user’s device, which communicates with the access control system via Bluetooth or NFC (near field communication). The user can then use their device to unlock doors or access restricted areas by holding it up to a reader or scanning a QR code. The access control system verifies the user’s identity and grants or denies access based on the user’s permissions and the current security settings.

Comparing Mobile Access to Traditional Locking Systems and RFID Credentials

Mobile access is a newer technology that offers several advantages compared to traditional locking systems and RFID (radio-frequency identification) credentials.

One advantage of mobile access is convenience. With traditional locking systems, users typically need to carry a physical key or card to unlock doors, which can be easily lost or forgotten. RFID credentials have improved upon this by allowing users to unlock doors with a simple tap or wave of their credential, but they still require the user to carry an additional device. With mobile access, the user’s smartphone or other mobile device serves as both a communication device and a credential, eliminating the need to carry an additional device.

Another advantage of mobile access is that it is more secure than traditional keys, which can be copied, and RFID credentials, which can potentially be skimmed or cloned. Mobile access systems can incorporate additional security measures such as passcodes, biometric authentication, or dynamic security codes that change with each use, making it more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access.

Finally, mobile access is more flexible and scalable than traditional locking systems and RFID credentials. With traditional systems, adding or revoking access for a user requires physically issuing or collecting a key or card, which can be time-consuming and costly. With mobile access, access can be granted or revoked remotely and almost instantly, making it easier to manage and maintain access control.

What Happens to Mobile Access When a Phone is Stolen or Lost?

If a mobile phone with mobile access is lost or stolen, the first step is to report the loss or theft to the appropriate authorities and to the mobile access provider. The provider will then typically take steps to revoke access to the lost or stolen phone, making it impossible for anyone to use the phone to gain unauthorized access.

In addition to revoking access, with the STID Mobile Access system, only the owner of the phone can access to the premises, indeed the Bluetooth readers are forcing the phone to ask for fingerprints unlock, making it impossible for the thief to use your phone to enter the premises.

Additionally, it’s important for users to report the loss or theft of their mobile device as soon as possible to the building management or security manager to have your virtual card revoked from the system and a new one sends to you right away

By following some simple rules for managing mobile access, you can minimize the risk of losing access or having your personal information exposed. It is important to have a mobile access system that is secure, convenient, and offers options like multi-factor authentication and enterprise-wide credential rules. In our next blog, we will discuss the measures that mobile access companies take to protect your personal information and address concerns about privacy on smartphones.

Are you ready to learn more about STID Mobile Access?

Mobile Access Control: Exploring the Significance of Bluetooth Technology​

Mobile Access Control: Exploring the Significance of Bluetooth Technology

Choosing the Right Communications Protocol for Smartphone Access Control Trends

The use of smartphones in access control systems is rapidly gaining popularity as electronic access control manufacturers promote the various ways in which mobile technology and soft or virtual credentials can be used to replace cards. With the majority of the population owning smartphones, it’s no surprise that many organizations are adopting this new technology. According to Gartner Research, 95% of adults aged 18-44 own smartphones, and 20% of organizations are predicted to use mobile credentials for physical access by 2020.

Smartphones have all three authentication parameters, making them a reliable solution for access control. With the use of biometrics and personal identification numbers (PINs), mobile credentials remain protected behind the smartphone’s security parameters, providing a built-in multi-factor verification system. Since the credential is protected by the phone’s security system, it cannot be accessed without access to the phone. Therefore, organizations are keen to implement smartphone-based access control systems due to their built-in security and availability.

Discovering Why Bluetooth Has Emerged as the Leading Communications Protocol

Why Bluetooth Emerges as the Top Communication Protocol in Smartphone Credential Systems, Compared to NFC


Bluetooth and Near Field Communications (NFC) are the most popular short-range radio wave communication standards used in smartphone credential systems. Before investing in a mobile access system, it’s essential to consider the technology choice, as the installed base of mobile devices can affect the decision. iPhones 5s and earlier do not support NFC, so in organizations with a large base of iPhones and Androids, Bluetooth is the only viable option.


Bluetooth technology is very popular and less expensive, as almost every smartphone already has Bluetooth. In contrast, less than 50% of all smartphones have NFC. Although NFC uses less power, its short read range can be an advantage in eliminating the chances of the smartphone unknowingly being read. However, it can also make the reader seem more finicky.


The longer read range of Bluetooth is a significant advantage, with a range from an inch to over 15 feet. Adjustable read ranges can be provided for various applications, from a three-foot range at the front door to a six-foot range at the facility gate, and up to 15 feet to open parking garage doors or gates. Bluetooth readers can be mounted on the secure side of doors and kept protected out of sight, making them more secure than NFC readers.


Thus, Bluetooth technology has emerged as the leading communication protocol in smartphone credential systems, compared to NFC, due to its wider range and compatibility with a broad range of mobile devices.

Other important information

Access control using Bluetooth technology has become more efficient with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). BLE technology operates at a maximum speed of 1Mbps with actual throughput of 10~35 Kbps and can be powered by a single cell battery for months. This lowers the hardware cost while offering the promise of smooth access control using smartphones.

To get started, a direct connection between the Bluetooth-enabled device and the internet is required, which can be achieved through the cellular data network or a secure Wi-Fi connection. To install a mobile credential, the user needs to have the Wallet app installed on a supported smartphone. After launching the app and selecting the ‘+’ button, a registration key certificate is provided for each credential ordered. The unique 16-character key from the certificate is entered and submitted, and once registered, the new mobile credential appears in the Wallet app ready for use.

With BLE-enabled reader technology, users can authenticate their identity by simply presenting their smartphone, eliminating the need to enter a PIN or password. The smartphone becomes the user’s identity, and the credential is operational as long as the phone is functional.


To successfully implement Bluetooth technology in your access control system, it’s crucial to first understand the benefits and potential pitfalls.

Make sure to work with a manufacturer who not only has expertise in Bluetooth technology but can also provide guidance during the initial installation process.

It’s also important to consider your cybersecurity responsibilities when using Bluetooth-enabled systems.

Some older systems may require users to register multiple times for different applications, which can lead to privacy concerns.

Look for newer solutions that offer easier ways to distribute credentials and eliminate the need for additional portal accounts or activation features.

To ensure the security of your access control system, it’s essential to protect against hacking and replay attacks. Work with your manufacturer to choose the best system for your application and ensure that it’s immune to these types of threats.

With Bluetooth-enabled smartphones becoming increasingly popular, it’s expected that they will play a major role in physical and logical access control systems. In fact, they are projected to constitute 20% of all card-based access control within the next 18 months.


So, make sure to stay ahead of the curve and embrace this technology for your organization’s security needs.

What is Mobile Access Control?

Mobile Access Control is a system that allows users to use their mobile devices as a means of access control, replacing traditional keys or access cards. This technology allows users to open doors, gates, and other access points using their smartphones or other mobile devices.

How does Mobile Access Control work?

Mobile Access Control works by using a mobile app or web-based interface that communicates with an access control system. The system is typically composed of electronic locks or readers that are installed in doors or gates. When a user presents their mobile device to the reader, the system uses Bluetooth, NFC, or other wireless technologies to verify the user’s identity and grant access.

What are the benefits of using Mobile Access Control?

Mobile Access Control offers several benefits over traditional access control methods, including greater convenience, increased security, and cost savings. With mobile access control, users no longer need to carry around physical keys or access cards, which can be lost or stolen. Additionally, mobile access control systems are typically more secure, as they use advanced encryption and authentication techniques to protect against unauthorized access. Finally, mobile access control can be more cost-effective, as it eliminates the need for expensive access control hardware and software.

Are there any security concerns with Mobile Access Control?

As with any technology, there are potential security concerns with Mobile Access Control. For example, if a user’s mobile device is lost or stolen, an unauthorized individual could potentially gain access to the user’s access control system. However, many mobile access control systems offer advanced security features, such as two-factor authentication, that can help mitigate these risks.

How can I implement Mobile Access Control in my organization?

To implement Mobile Access Control in your organization, you will need to work with a qualified vendor or integrator that specializes in access control solutions. The vendor will typically assess your organization’s needs and recommend a mobile access control system that meets your requirements. They will then install the necessary hardware and software, and provide training and support to ensure that your system is up and running smoothly.